Wednesday, September 30, 2015

My Humorous Monologue

I have learned a lot of things from my humorous monologue some things are, learning how to import videos to iMovie. Also what the difference of B-roll and A-roll is. Another thing I learned from the project is how to work a camera and how to take the memory card and put it on a flash drive. Also making a joke and putting it on a joke plan. I Learned that timing is very important when you are telling your joke, you should be on time. One last thing I learned is, how to make a joke and make people laugh.

Pad is space around an element's content and margins or borders. The length or running time in your movie or video. Its extra footage before your video or movie of after it. Padding your clips is crucial because if you don't pad your movie or video will look really choppy. Also it wont look like it all works together and not all separated. Plus when you end the movie nothing will cut off and you will see your whole video and nothing chopped off at the end or beginning.

My biggest weakness in the comedic monologue was taking the videos and my voice and editing it to make it all fit together. Also I had trouble with taking my videos and putting it on to my computer. What I thought was very easy in my project was importing everything onto iMovie. Another thing I thought was easy was filming my B-roll and A-roll plus making up my joke. Ways I can improve on is when the teacher give instructions or directions I should really listen really close and not play around while he's talking. Also when I put all my work in my folder I should name it so I stay organized and not know where everything is.

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