Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Personal Manifesto

We're back to school! Ready to learn and figure out about ourselves, here's me. Surfing is my life I absolutely love doing it. I like making pottery and sculpture’s because I feel like an artist when I make something new. The ocean is my oasis because whenever I feel frustrated the ocean calms me down. I love traveling around the world because it makes me feel alive and getting to experience so many things in the world. I love laughing.

Stop wishing start doing. Do it now, sometimes later becomes never. If it doesn't challenge you it won't change you. Never say I can't. Stay focused and never give up. Work hard dream big. Everyday is a second chance. Nothing great ever came that easy. Believing in yourself is the first secret to success. If you have a positive mind many things are possible. Be passionate , never give up. Learn to the fullest. Everyday is a chance to get better. Live with a purpose. Follow a map to it's edges, and keep going. Let curiosity be my guide. Let the journey unfold before me.

My manifesto can apply to you because we all like to believe in our self and be happy every single day. Be the person who you are in your heart. Don't let people tell you who you are, be yourself. Be open to who you are and free, don't close up just because someone doesn't like who you are. Be strong don't ever change yourself! We should do what we love. This is from my heart and what I think. I say this to myself every single day I hope that you will do the same!