Friday, November 6, 2015

Composition Scavenger Hunt

I think the most important composition is the rule of thirds subject. Why I think it is the most important to me is it really shows that you are really neat and organized it your photography. If someone is looking at your photography and its really sloppy and all shaky or unfocused they wont think its really that good. The rule of thirds composition technique helps you with keeping everything organized and neat and everyone will think that you are really good at video taping or taking photos.

I think the most difficult composition is the ground level, because you have to go as close to the ground. Also if something hits your camera it can get scratched. Why I think its so hard for me is, whenever I put the camera as close to the ground it always gets blurry, and its hard to see because you are bending down really low. I can use the ground level composition more by using it when i'm at the beach trying to take a photo of the wave crashing on the sand. Or when I want to take a photo of something on the ground like a little ant, you wouldn't want to use the point of eye composition you wouldn't be able to see the ant.

My teammates in this project was Kalista Brigante Wailana Marvin. Kalista Brigante  edited  all the shots we took. She also put in all the transitions, music and the titles. Wailana Marvin was the actress in most of the shots and she videotaped some of the videos at the end. I was also a actress in a couple shots and I padded everything.

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